The children we serve need our help to assure child abuse investigations are conducted in a child-friendly environment that will reduce trauma and start the healing process.
What our volunteers and donors have in common is a deep concern for children. When you donate, you make a personal choice to be the voice for the voiceless. No matter how you choose to contribute, your involvement will be appreciated and will reap many rewards. We cannot do this work without your support!
Proceeds from fundraising events, grants from foundations, and direct donations from the community support the C.A.R.T. House's programs and services. All donations are tax-exempt to the extent the law allows.
Please send financial gifts to:
C.A.R.T. House
P.O. Box 1424
El Reno, Oklahoma 73036
Or donate via credit/debit card using our Donorbox donation form.
Thank you for your generosity! To respect our clients’ privacy, donations can be accepted during business hours only. Call ahead. 405-422-3459
Snacks for children (individually wrapped Goldfish packets, Ritz Bits, crackers, chips, and fruit snacks). (Also healthier snacks for allergy sensitive children)
Small/Medium sized stuffed animals (new)
Office Supplies (copy paper, first class postage stamps (rolls), batteries, etc.)
Supplies (paper towels, paper plates, utensils, toilet paper, Clorox/Lysol wipes, etc.)
Drinks (bottled water, juice boxes, cans of soda)
Gift cards (Wal-Mart, Office Depot, Lowes)
Coloring books (children and adult coloring books...teenagers like to color too)
Magazine subscriptions (Parents, Child, American Girl, Highlights, Boys Life, Sports Illustrated for Kids, etc.)
Ethnic toys, games, and dolls (new or in good, clean condition). Sensory toys, such as squishy balls, Play-Doh.
Hand-held games or child-friendly DVDs
Blank Journals & Pens (New, For Teens)
Gift baskets and gift certificates for use at fundraising events
Click Above to Learn More About Volunteering
The C.A.R.T. House is a non-profit, tax exempt organization under Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code and therefore, your donation is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by current laws and regulations.