The C.A.R.T. House is a nationally accredited child advocacy center that provides a neutral, child-friendly environment for children of severe physical and/or sexual abuse to receive specialized services. The C.A.R.T. House conducts video-recorded forensic interviews, pediatric medical examinations, and victim advocacy to children with allegations of abuse, as well as coordinating with outside referrals to ensure children and their family have access to mental health services.
Prior to the C.A.R.T. House, the child may end up having to tell the worst story of his or her life over and over again, to doctors, cops, lawyers, therapists, investigators, judges, and others. At the C.A.R.T. House, the child tells their story once to a trained interviewer who knows the right questions to ask in a way that does not re-traumatize the child. Then, the multidisciplinary team, which includes individuals from law enforcement, child welfare, prosecution, medical personnel, mental health, forensic interviewers, and the C.A.R.T. House Staff, make decisions together about how to help the child based on the interview.
The C.A.R.T. House is one of the oldest Children’s Advocacy Centers in Oklahoma and has been under the Citizen’s Advisory Board (C.A.B.) since 1991. The C.A.B. is a non-profit (501)(c )(3) corporation.